If you’d like to request a quotation simply fill in the form at the bottom of the page and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours or just call for a chat anytime, we’d be happy to help.
Telephone: 01488 683628
E-mail: sleeves.berkshirelabels@asteriagroup.eu
FTP File Transfers: www.hightail.com/u/berkshirelabels
Berkshire Labels Limited, Swangate, Charnham Park, Hungerford, Berkshire RG17 0YX
Registered in England No. 2143820 VAT Registration No. 479 4098 93
Artwork Guidelines
Please find a link to our latest guidelines to help you with the preparation of your artwork. If you have any specific questions or require any assistance please do not hesitate to call the office on 01488 683628 – artwork guidelines here
New customer application form
If you would like to apply for a new customer account please complete our new customer set up form and return it to accounts.berkshirelabels@asteriagroup.eu . A hard copy of our new customer set up form is available upon request on 01488 683628
Job application form
If you would like to apply for a vacancy with us, please complete our job application form and return it to calland.berkshirelabels@asteriagroup.eu or alternatively by post to our personnel department. A hard copy of our job application form is available upon request on 01488 683628